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Thank you for visiting the Tokushima Rindo Navi website.

Tokushima Rindo Navi is powered by White Base Tokushima, a specified nonprofit corporation commissioned by the Tokushima Prefectural Government. All of the information on this page is owned by Tokushima Prefecture and the local municipalities that manage the forest roads.

Operating Body:
Forestry Administration Division
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Infrastructure Management Bureau
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Department

Powered By:
Specified Nonprofit Corporation, White Base Tokushima
TEL:090-5713-0657 Weekdays from 10 A.M. to 6 P.M.


  1. As the forest roads cited in this website is intended for forestry purposes, the conditions of the road may change suddenly, including sudden rockfalls and landslides. As the condition may change quickly, we cannot guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the information posted on this site.
    Please be extra careful when driving on these roads as they are not originally intended for public use so may not be suitable for passenger vehicles.
    Furthermore, we will not be responsible for any damage, harm or loss resulting from your use of the forest roads listed on this website.
  2. In no event will Tokushima Rindo Navi be liable to the User for any loss or damage, or any trouble arising from the use of the Content or any website linked to this Website, nor guarantee as to the accuracy, validity, completeness, or fitness for the User's particular purpose of any Content posted on the website for the User's convenience, including Content, link and other information posted by a third party that is beyond Tokushima Rindo Navi’s reasonable responsibility. User shall be responsible for copyright, confidentiality, defamation, maintaining dignity, and obligations of other laws.
  3. Provision of service on this site may be temporarily interrupted without prior notice at any time. Contents provided on this site may be changed or temporarily interrupted or deleted without prior notice.
  4. The Tokushima Prefectural Government and the specified nonprofit corporation, White Base Tokushima, retain all rights including copyright and editorial right in regards to this website. Any unauthorized duplication, reproduction or copying of this website to other pages are strictly forbidden.

Links to Tokushima Rindo Navi

Operators of other websites are, as a general rule, free to include links to this website without providing notice; however, we will not allow certain sites to create links to our site if they fall under the following category:

  • Linking to this site from a site with content that are offensive to public order and morals.
  • Linking to this site from a site containing illegal content, or involved in or likely to be involved in illegal activity.
  • Using a frame or other means to disguise the fact that the displayed content is from this site.
  • Any other sites that Tokushima Rindo Navi deems not appropriate.

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